The Tech Talent Merry Go Round: Is Your IT Company Ready...

Jonathan Beech, MD at Migrate UK and specialist on overseas talent recruitment, projects the future of tech talent hiring for UK businesses.

Jane Christopher, Citrix Sr HR Business Partner, on Building Enhanced Employee...

The Show is joined by Jane Christopher from Citrix for an in-depth look at employee experiences. Don't miss her podcast interview - we discuss onboarding, upskilling and company culture in an era of remote working. These are the insights you need for a successful 2021!

Sustainability Through Community: The Key to a Sustainable Business Model

Businesses’ responsibility to accelerate sustainable solutions is increasing, and rightly so. In this report, Citrix provide an in-depth look at new models of business and resources needed to address climate change.

Breaking Your Biases Will Help You Liberate Your Team’s Talents

Some of the most effective senior leaders are those who are aware of their biases and work to uproot them. Find out how you can do the same in this article.

Virtual Recruitment Will Be a Key Fixture of the Hybrid Workplace

Our Guest Spotlight today showcases Nicolas Speeckaert, the Founder and Managing Partner of skeeled. This is the story of how virtual recruitment will come to define hybrid working.

1 in 5 Employees Can’t Take Time Off Work Due to...

The Annual Leave Allowances survey reveals concerning levels of pressure on UK office workers stopping them from taking leave, even when mental health is at stake. Here are the top findings from the study.

Choosing the Right Low-Code & No-Code Platforms Can Be Transformative for...

With the growing popularity and presence of no-code and low-code platforms, CEOs want to know how to choose the right one. Read this article to discover the answer. 

How a Neurodivergent Workforce Can Transform Your Business

Having a neurodiverse workforce can be transformative for your business. Find out all the benefits of building a neurodiverse workforce in this article

Romanie Thomas, CEO of Juggle: What It Takes to Recruit for...

Flexible working is here to stay, but what has this done to the recruitment market? In an exclusive interview with Romanie Thomas of Juggle, we found out...