IR35: How Tech Can Drive Positive Change to Overcome the Challenges...

Nigel Filer, COO of Proteus, discusses how technology is helping firms to navigate new labour regulations following global disruptions and the introduction of IR35. Read now!

When Telco & FinTech Collide: Partnerships Disrupting Consumer Finance

Andries Smit, CEO of Upside, discusses the new collaborations between previously separate sectors that are driving a new era of financial services.

Optimise Your DevOps Function with Value Stream Management

Software teams are under more pressure than ever before. Reducing inter-team friction and transforming internally to facilitate mature DevOps functionality has become the key...

How a Common Identity Platform Makes Security Seamless

If you’re struggling to provide secure yet seamless access to your applications for your users, you’re not alone. Discover how a common identity platform can solve your dilemma.

Telzio CEO & founder, Peter Schroeder, on professional evolution and competing...

On this episode of the Show, Telzio CEO & founder Peter Schroeder joins us to discuss how he made a successful startup in a hyper-competitive market. Listen in for exclusive insights.

An Executive’s Guide to Risk Management

In a new Guest Spotlight, Ade McCormack outlines how executives should approach risk management now that live in the post-industrial, Silicon Valley era. Main takeaway? Only through experimentation can organisations expect to succeed.

It’s Just Good Business: How Sustainability Can Start with IT

A sustainability revolution is coming to the world of business, and IT has a critical role to play. Learn more and how emerging tech can help build a greener way of working right here in an exclusive report from Citrix.

How M&A Activity Could Increase Your Skills Shortage

Mergers and acquisitions skyrocketed in 2021, but all this activity could leave some enterprises with skills shortages. Learn why and avoid the issue with these insights from Jonathan Beech of Migrate UK.

The Relationship Between Suffering and Resilience

Mark Simmonds, creative agency founder and author of Beat Stress at Work, shares key insights on how to manage stress levels by drawing on internal resilience for better wellbeing in the workplace.