Guest Articles is a global community of C-level decision-makers and leaders working in or with technology across all sectors. Every month, we collaborate with experienced and insightful individuals from the C-suite for our guest articles. See how the tech world is evolving and learn what you can do to maintain competitiveness straight from the people who are fuelling change.

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Eight Questions to Ask Before You Start a Business-Critical Program –...

Few things stir up executive emotions quite as much as how a company should organise to run a business-critical program. David Hilliard, CEO, gives his thoughts in this guest spot.

Fibre: 5G’s Best Friend!

How can fibre address 5G network densification? With increased speed and capacity for higher frequencies at higher bandwidth and lower latency. Mentor's CEO shares his thoughts.

How to Increase 4G Capacity & Build Strong Foundations for 5G

5G is here, but it'll be a long time until we see a full roll-out. What can we do to increase 4G capacity in the meantime? Mentor's CEO, David Hilliard, investigates.

Delivering Against Demand: What Agile Customer Experience Looks Like

Many businesses know how essential it is, but how do you actually go about providing amazing CX? The key is to be agile! Victoria Greene discusses what agile CX is and how you can implement it in this guest spot.

Machine Learning in Finance: Why, What & How?

Machine learning is making significant inroads in the financial services industry. See why financial companies should care, what solutions they can implement with AI and machine learning, and how they can apply this technology.

5G Fibre Deployment: Economical, Fast, Flexible

It's absolutely essential to be economical and agile when it comes to 5G fibre deployment. David Hilliard from Mentor Europe discusses the implications.

Deadly Program Resourcing Slipups & What You Can Do About Them

Mentor CEO David Hilliard examines the biggest traps in program resourcing and gives his thoughts on what you can do to overcome them.

Taking a Holistic Approach to Cloud Computing

The key to implementing and maintaining the right cloud computing solution for your business lies in taking a holistic approach. Your hosting platform, migration method and ongoing operations need to be considered together, to avoid costly mistakes and risk business performance. Find out how...

A Business-Critical Program: The Clients’ Journey

Discover how Mentor Europe decides to accelerate or recover a business-critical program - fixing significant problems the organisation is struggling with.