
Data is the number one currency in the world today. Global enterprises and small businesses alike rely on data to make coordinated business decisions and to unlock new value. So for the latest big data news, including the strategies and trends underpinning data analytics today,’s here to help.

Accelerate Revenue by Building a Future-Proof Integration Strategy

Learn how to implement a successful cloud adoption strategy that drives your organisation forward with Rackspace's Paul Norton.

On-Demand Webinar: The Impact of AI on Business

With sponsors DataRobot, we took a look at the impact artificial intelligence is having on business today, with real use cases in this on-demand webinar.

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Business

AI is revolutionising the world, and its impact on business will be immense. Learn more about the ways AI will change business and access the full insights in our on-demand webinar.

Get Ready for Artificial Intelligence Leadership

Pave the way to a brighter future with Artificial Intelligence The use cases for AI are rapidly expanding, with more scientific organisations, universities, enterprises and...

On-Demand Webinar: Unpacking the AI Suitcase

Unpack the AI suitcase with David Skerrett and Mark Brill in this exclusive webinar on the evolving world of AI development.

On-Demand Webinar: Rise of the AI

In the first of our new on-demand webinar series, we look at the emergence of Artificial Intelligence and the story so far with real AI use cases. Watch the full webinar now!

Unpacking the Artificial Intelligence Suitcase

Our new webinar series - All Things AI - continued with Unpacking the AI Suitcase. Esteemed speakers David Skerrett and Mark Brill discussed what AI is and its impacts on society.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence with David Skerrett and Jamshid Alamuti

Our new webinar series - All Things AI - kicked off with The Rise of Artificial Intelligence. Discover what speakers David Skerrett and Jamshid Alamuti had to say about AI's origins.

Thoughts on GDPR’s 1st Birthday

Can you believe GDPR is now one year old? Even though 12 months is a long time in digital marketing, I’m sure you remember...