Guest Articles is a global community of C-level decision-makers and leaders working in or with technology across all sectors. Every month, we collaborate with experienced and insightful individuals from the C-suite for our guest articles. See how the tech world is evolving and learn what you can do to maintain competitiveness straight from the people who are fuelling change.

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Optimise Your DevOps Function with Value Stream Management

Software teams are under more pressure than ever before. Reducing inter-team friction and transforming internally to facilitate mature DevOps functionality has become the key...

How Inclusive Is Your Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiative?

Professor Jonathan Passmore, SVP of Coaching at CoachHub, shares vital insights on why it’s imperative for DE&I initiatives to come from the top and how to implement them more effectively.

Who Are the Winners in the Talent War? Everyone Who Adopted...

The so-called “Great Resignation” has had business leaders scrambling to attract key talent. But it’s only those that have embraced innovation, argues CEO Adil Mohammed, that are winning the talent war. Here’s why…

Checkout-Free Stores: A Transformative Innovation for Grocery Retailers

Vasco Portugal, CEO of Sensei, looks at how major UK retailers can enhance their CX through transformative innovation. Read now!

The Next Critical Stage of Crisis Leadership

Alex Tupman, CEO of Mode Solutions, examines how the business landscape is evolving, especially in light of the UK Chancellor's Spring statement in March, 2022. Read now!

Putting the Personal Back into Personal Data

In this article from frequent guest writer Michael Queenan (CEO, Nephos Technologies), we learn about why enterprises should get ahead of the curve when it comes to personal data and data protection issues. Read now!

Why You Need a Long-Term Remote Work Security Plan

Learn how to build a long-term remote working security plan with these fresh insights from Citrix. VPNs aren't as secure as you think and zero trust is crucial.

Developing Software Managers: Best Practices for Making Software Development Hum

The esteemed Marko Gargenta is our guest writer this week for an insightful look into human-centred practices for building and managing a stronger software developer team.

International Women’s Day: Progress Toward Parity in Stem

International Women’s Day is right around the corner. Nicola Buckley, EVP at Park Place Technologies, discusses what her company has done to promote greater gender parity in STEM – and what others can do, too.