Guest Articles is a global community of C-level decision-makers and leaders working in or with technology across all sectors. Every month, we collaborate with experienced and insightful individuals from the C-suite for our guest articles. See how the tech world is evolving and learn what you can do to maintain competitiveness straight from the people who are fuelling change.

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The Impact of Emotion on Customer Experience

Sitecore's Jill Grozalsky discusses the pivotal impact emotion has on Customer Experience in our new guest spotlight. Learn how to enhance the emotional impact through personalisation and more.

How Email Can Help Businesses Scale During Economic Uncertainty

Sam Holding, Head of International at SparkPost, examines one of the most important yet overlooked channels for marketing scalability: Email. Do you need to reassess your strategy?

Removing Bias from Tech Is Essential: Here’s Why

Michael Voegele, CTO at PMI and former CTO of Adidas shares his thoughts on why removing bias in tech and achieving gender equity in the sector is mission critical. Read now!

Why Digital Transformations Fail

Why do digital transformations fail? Citrix outlines three of the main reasons why transformation efforts fail - and what organisations can do to make them succeed.

Focus on Marketing Efficiency in 2021 – And Act Proactively

Ricardas Montvila, Senior Director at Mapp Digital, shares five measures for developing more power in marketing from AI initiatives in this Guest Spotlight.

IT Security Specialists Weigh in on the Cyber Strategies of Working...

Pulitzer-nominated journalist Russ Banham, writing for Dell Technologies, investigates how IT security specialists are strategising for working at home. Learn more here.

Why HR & IT Are the True Architects of the Post-Covid...

What roles can the HR and IT functions play in fuelling post-Covid recovery in their workplace? In a special guest article, Citrix outlines the crucial projects HR and IT are working on to build a better workplace for their organisations.

Cause vs Correlation: Decision-Making Around Covid-19 & the Implications for Business

Niel Nickolaisen, Chief Information Officer at O.C. Tanner, discusses the importance of finding cause, not correlation, when making business critical decisions - and those related to Covid-19.

Why Digital Wellness for a Remote Workforce Requires Engaged Leaders &...

Digital wellbeing is gaining more traction as it becomes increasingly apparent that Anywhere Operations is going to be the future of work. Citrix discusses the impact of this in another Guest Spotlight.