Guest Articles is a global community of C-level decision-makers and leaders working in or with technology across all sectors. Every month, we collaborate with experienced and insightful individuals from the C-suite for our guest articles. See how the tech world is evolving and learn what you can do to maintain competitiveness straight from the people who are fuelling change.

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Optimise Your DevOps Function with Value Stream Management

Software teams are under more pressure than ever before. Reducing inter-team friction and transforming internally to facilitate mature DevOps functionality has become the key...

Can AI Boost Your Digital Transformation Strategy in Today’s Volatile Times?

Businesses are putting greater amounts of data to use, predicting the future, and reaping vastly better results. Discover how AI is helping them in this article.

A practical path to sustainable IT

Where should tech leaders be looking to make their IT more sustainable? And how can they do it without costly new investments? Rob Smith, CTO of Creative ITC shares his expert opinion in this exclusive.

Will 5G Make Fixed Wireless Access Come of Age?

Is FWA a new alternative to fibre? Mentor's CEO, David Hilliard, examines the implications of 5G and fixed wireless access maturity in this guest article for

Why MedTech Is Ripe for Investment & Innovation

Harro Stokman, Founder & CEO of Kepler Vision Technologies, discusses the investment shot-in-the-arm MedTech received in 2020, and what it means going forwards...

What Is Customer Lifecycle Marketing?

Jill Grozalsky from Sitecore outlines the benefits of customer lifecycle marketing in this new guest spotlight for

Creating an Effective Partnership with the Modern CFO

How do you create the most effective partnership between the CEO and CFO? Philippe Gangneux, CFO at Sidetrade, lays out his thinking in this guest article.

Are You Unknowingly Putting Your Business At Risk?

In a new guest piece from Bitglass CEO and Co-Founder, Nat Kausik, we learn why your existing security infrastructure might be leaving your business open to new forms of attack.

How Lantum Got a Spot on an Accelerator Programme Three Times

Looking to get on an accelerator programme but don’t know where to start? Melissa Morris, CEO of Lantum, details how her company succeeded in exactly that – not once, not twice, but three times. Learn more in this guest article.